Monday, February 14, 2011

Sketching and Watercolour Class

 I am taking Jane LaFasio's online class, Sketching and Watercolour: On Location.

Lesson One : Drawing Keys

My souvenir key from New York City!

 Second painting: my new car key, my house key and my souvenir key fob from Newfoundland.

 Additional painting of objects found in our rented cottage.

 Lesson Two: Painting on Location at the Bare Foot Gallery and coffee shop in Cedar Key. Unfortunately the little Gallery is closing at the end of the month.

 Carnations given to me by my new friend, Jane, here in Cedar Key.

 Little ceramic bird I bought at the Gallery.

 Lesson 3: At a Museum, using a Water soluable pen and water. This is my sample. I hope to visit the museum soon.

A painting of my favourite comfy chair, part of lesson 2.

1 comment:

Maggi said...

Your watercolours are so good Donna. What a pity the gallery is closing - a victim of the recession?